Monday, April 22, 2013


I can't believe that it has been almost a month since I have been releasing my thoughts.  Where does the time go?  Doctors appointments, puzzles, guests, life!  I was reading an article this a.m. about how to NOT write and it was filled with all kinds of thoughts & behaviors that I have exercised.  Just do it.  Anne Lamott says, "sit down and write a crappy first draft."  That speaks to me about just sit down and start anywhere.  I don't even have to have an idea.  It will come just as this writing is happening.  I have no preconceived idea of what to say many times.  It is a risk but the risk pays off if I am willing to be vulnerable.  There was another thought that I read this morning about how many writers create out of their sadness or struggle in life.  I have to agree with that.  My first book, an autobiography, Seasons of my Heart, Life is a Struggle but the payoff is worth it,  began with the death of my mom when I was 14.  My second book, Taking Off My God Hat is about my struggle with food.  My editor once challenged me to write a fictional piece.  I began it but it didn't make sense to me. I couldn't pursue it. Imagination is a weak link.  I remember years ago when my husband and I were doing an exercise for a class asking us to put down our dreams.  I felt so threatened.  I asked him to go first to give me ideas.  I thought of dreams as goals.  I had a hard time separating them.  If one was to dream that meant that I had to work at making it come true.  The gift was being able to come up with 22 dreams and sharing them with each other.  Some of them have been fulfilled much to my surprise.  One particular dream was going on a weeks retreat in a foreign country. I thought that would be the coolest experience ever.
Several years ago when Don and I were planning a trip to Ireland a friend mentioned a place she had visited where she retreated.  I later asked Don if he would be willing to spend a week in Glendolough, Ireland on retreat.  At first he wasn't so sure of it but gave in knowing it was on my dream list. That is another reason why it is good to share your dream list with someone.
The priest, apartment, times in prayer and then being sent out to the mountain to commune with nature turned out to be the highlight of our time in Ireland. It has made me a believer in writing down my dreams and sharing them.  This is a reminder for me to take out my list and read it to Don.  What about you?  Time to make a dream list and share it with someone?

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